Ananya Panday begins her week with a Yoga headstand | You should do it too

Ananya Panday, a Bollywood star, was seen sweating it out in a Pilates class on Monday, marking her comeback to Yoga with a variation of Shirshasana, or Yoga’s headstand. Anshuka Parwani, her Yoga and wellness trainer, shared a sneak glimpse of her workout session, inspiring fans and fitness lovers to get out their Yoga mats right now.

1. Get down on your palms and knees.
2. Place the top of the head on the mat.
3. Next, place your palms on the mat such that your arms are bent 90-degrees with your elbows directly over the wrist.
4. Lift your knees and walk your feet towards your palms.
5. First lift your right leg up and align it with your upper body.
6. Balance and lift your left leg up.
7. Point your toes towards the ceiling.
8. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

Headstand is not advised during menstruation or in cases of high blood pressure, hiatal hernia, heart palpitations, or glaucoma.
Though nicknamed “king” of all the asanas, a Yoga headstand is most often reported as the cause of an injury hence, should be practiced after gaining much balance.

Salamba Shirshasana, or simply Shirshasana, is a yoga headstand that improves the body’s general efficiency by activating and delivering fresh blood to various endocrine glands. It also strengthens the core and improves upper-body strength and endurance.